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 "A time comes when silence is betrayal." - As quoted by Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Whether you are talking about a military conflict or a the battle of ideas, it is generally better to have a large army than a small one. The more individuals we have supporting and defending our core values, the more we are able to defeat the enemies of reason. And yet, countless people that share our values fail to speak up. The reasons for their reluctance are numerous.   

Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrow.

Most people are reluctant to join the battle of ideas is what is called the "diffusion of responsibility" or "the bystander effect".  In the 1960s, Psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latane documented what at first glance seems counterintuitive. The greater the number of people present, the less likely an individual is to help someone in need because it is easier to rationalize that someone else will do it. It is easy to diffuse responsibility to others who are will to stick their necks out: "Thank you for your efforts, Stephani. You got this." No, I don't. Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a bystander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help. Do not subcontract your voice to others. Do not self-censor. You and your children have a stake in the outcome of this battle, so don't be afraid to speak up.  Do not succumb to the tragedy of collective inaction. 

The battle of ideas knows no boundaries, so there is plenty to do. If your Facebook friends are posting comments with which you disagree, engage them and offer an alternative viewpoint. Do not fear the possible loss of friendship. Anyone who is willing to end a relationship because of a reasoned difference of opinion is not worthy of your friendship. If you are sitting at a local hangout having a conversation about a sensitive topic, do not refrain from speaking your mind. If your politicians are succumbing to suicidal political correctness, vote them out of office. 

Believe in the power of your voice. Granted, most of us don't have hundreds of thousands of followers or subscribers but, in the battle of ideas, every voice counts-even if your circle of influence is limited to your family, friends, and neighbors. 

Do not be afraid of judging others or giving offence. Many people, of course, worry about straining friendships if they broach sensitive topics. But true friendships are precisely those that should withstand the stress of such conversations. A deep friendship should be antifragile. We thrive emotionally and cognitively when we forge intense bonds of friendships. In the pursuit of happiness, we should strive to establish friendships with individuals with whom we can experience the full range of cerebral engagement.  This can not happen if we are too afraid to disagree with our close friends on consequential issues. Choose your friends wisely. 

For decades now, a set of idea pathogens, largely stemming from universities, has relentlessly assaulted science, reason, logic, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, individual liberty, and individual dignity. If we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in free societies as we have done, then we have to be assured in our principles and stand ready to defend them. I implore you to get engaged. You have the power to effect necessary change. The cure is before you: it is the pursuit and the defense of truth; it is the recommitment to the virtues of the Western Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. March on, soldiers of reason. Together we can win this battle of ideas. 

Excerpt is from Gad Saad's book: The Parasitic Mind How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense

Every time you make a stance and speak out against parasitic ideas, just remember that there are others in agreement with you watching you and you may be the one that ignites their courage and bravery to come out to do exactly what you are doing. 


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