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Why does it feel like a foreign concept to speak plain truth? Why does it feel so intimidating and daunting to openly speak up for truth? Why are the founding principles of the United States openly ridiculed? Why is it that this very nation, "that has protected the God-given rights of hundreds of millions of people ALL over the globe" is openly criticized? 

Why am I bringing up this particular point? Because I see many individuals that are becoming anti-American and morally backward and the only person that can set it right is YOU! It is a heavy, burdensome task that is asked of us but, I believe it is something we are capable of conquering. I am convinced of it. I believe that there are still people out there that have a strong, intuitive love of our country and knowing this makes me optimistic for the future of our country but, I realize and understand how hard it is to speak out. 

Academic and other establishments are against us. The task at hand will not be easy but, it is necessary. So all that I am asking for you to do is: Be Brave. Defend your right to speak out. Defend America to your friends, or wherever you go. 

Speaking out doesn't mean being rude and, of course, it doesn't mean to resort to violence. "It means having the facts and saying the truth with clarity and purpose and if you are saying the truth, don't back down." Even if others try to make you look foolish. 

Defending America means you need to know American History. Given how poorly history is taught nowadays, you might have to supplement your education. Start with the primary sources:

  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The Constitution of the United States
  • The Federalist Papers
  • George Washington's Farewell Speech
  • The Gettysburg Address
  • Lincoln's Second Inaugural 
and build out from there. Discover our American History for yourself and draw your own conclusions, make up your own mind. "Remember you are comparing America to reality, not America to Utopia." Also, you have to remember to judge people by the standards of their time, not by the standards of our time. If you do that I am confident that you will love this country as much as I do. "America has a great story to tell but, first you have to have the courage to tell it."

"What the fight for racial equality was to prior generations, the fight for free speech and intellectual freedom is to our generation. WE are on the front line, WE are the rebel." I say this most humbly but, also with profound grit. 

It is imperative that Americans are not stifled nor to be constantly told what they are allowed to think and what they are allowed to say.  We do not have to adopt "sophisticated" doctrine that espouses "(1) America is racist, (2) Capitalism (which by the way is the only economic system that can lift billions out of poverty) is the source of our problems, (3) Socialism is bliss, and (4) Freedom of speech is not that important. These are terrible ideas and are also dead wrong."

There is no question that America CAN and SHOULD improve. That's the hard work that is set before us. We don't need to make America something different. America IS NOT perfect. 

"It is not an accident that America is the most generous, most prosperous, most free country for people of every race, ethnicity, and religion in World History."

I implore you to please remember that there are other countries in the world where there are no protections for freedom of speech. Countries where people risk a lot more than online harassments if they oppose the ruling party's positions. 

Everything of value comes with a price but, that price will be worth it because America is worth it. 

Speaking the truth is often difficult and it takes courage to do so. Many have died to preserve America and liberty. No one is asking you to risk your life but, it is now our generation's turn to step up or we will lose both our country and our freedom. Are you ready to defend them?

We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind...If we lose...this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening... -Ronald Regan, 1964


Haley, Nikki (2020, January 4). Be Brave. Retrieved from PragerU:



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